7 of Wands

September just glided on by! My birthday month, and the birthday month of many of my beloveds, September is always a majorly celebratory month. Some of my favorites treated me to absolutely decadent dinners and tastings. Who knew a vintage Cynar could be so deliciously intoxicating! Clients, lovers, family, and friends spoiled me just enough. I am so satiated.

I sat with the Seven of Wands this past month. I am feeling so grateful for it. I was (and am) working on some very personal art projects that I have wavered in my confidence in. This card is all about perseverance and maintenance of the work that has already been done. I started these projects months ago and have been working on fine tuning, collaborating, and sharing different aspects of this project.

It’s an encouraging card. It’s the edge that says, proceed without fear, you’re on the right track, even if it’s into uncharted territory. This is the moment after the fairytale ending, after the credits roll. This is when you’ve got everything you’ve asked for and now you must maintain it, you must protect it. You must tend to it!

This kind of message resonates on so many levels for me. It hits me when I think about all the growth I’ve achieved personally. It touches on how I feel so grateful to feel comfortable in my profession and the relationships and connections I’ve been able to foster in it. I feel honored to be charged with tending to these powerful and necessary things in my life. How are you tending to yours? Let’s get cozy soon and muse about it. I’m an email away.


Queen of Cups