it takes Strength

My month with the Strength card has been interesting. I’ve stared at the lovely and intimidating drawing most days not knowing what to make of it. The Rainbow Heart Tarot deck is the one I used this month. You’ll see in the picture a lion trying to overtake? hug? dance with? a maiden with an unfazed expression. At first glance you think, this must be dangerous! But notice how the lion and the maiden are of equal stature. The full moon lights up their rendezvous.

Strength is all about a dance; The endless life lesson of how to balance all of our wildest desires into positive expression. Strength is one of the best cards to meditation on. Its all about appreciating, understanding, and nurturing your inner strength. The most beneficial thing we can do for ourselves is honoring our actions, our healing, our progression. None of those things are linear so it can get muddy as to how to appreciate them. How do you take time to appreciate all of you done for yourself?

I regularly take moments for myself to take stock of all of the absolutely GOOD I have in my life. What resources I have easy access to, what love I have constantly circling around me, the curiosity and drive I have within myself to keep learning and exploring in all aspects of my life. I have so much in my life—what my wildest dreams were as a kid. I have the most beautiful community, a comfortable home, a growing artistic and spiritual practice, I’ve traveled all over the world. None of this came to me by accident (though I do thank luck and some privilege too), I cultivated this with the help of my loved ones, my community, and my values. Its a ripple effect. That’s why I am so grateful I get to interact with so many people from so many different walks of life. I know when you take that step to contact me you stepping into your strength to honor and expand your desires.

I can’t wait to see what spring brings up. I’ll be in New York for a part of April and will also be in the midst of moving into a new incall space so reach out to me soon. You know I’d love to see you.


Knight of Cups


Ace of Wands