Invigoration awaits us

Invigoration awaits us

Seattle’s enthusiastic escort, companion, lover, friend, explorer and much more…

I’m Crystal. I’ve been told I’m the perfect handful. My soft, natural body is decorated with fantastical and charming art that beckons you closer for a tantalizing touch. My natural blonde hair brightened with flecks of silver and honey might remind you of the easiest summer days. My captivating sea blue eyes will settle your focus and my warmth will help you relax into an unforgettable experience.

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I love living in Seattle. You’ll find me singing karaoke, lost in thought in a local gallery, enjoying our delectable and varied cuisines, or maybe thoroughly enjoying nature hiking through one of our many parks. I spend my personal time creating and communing as an artist and organizer. I know the magic this city breathes; I can be your guide.

You’re a discerning person who likes to rejuvenate oneself with sensual interaction. You know what you like, how you like it, and have no qualms expressing it. My about me includes a bit about you because I know that incredible and lasting experiences are built on mutual understanding.

Let us co-create an interaction that allows authentic pleasure to be coaxed out, leaving us both satisfied and eager to continue exquisite encounters in the future.

Please head over to my Considerations page to have a better understanding of my offerings. I’m a bit of a flirt. I love to tease. I love to tap in to bringing each experience to its fullest potential. I know we’ve found each other for you to expand, explore, and invigorate yourself.