It’s 2023 and my Knight of Swords is here…

Happy end of January, darlings. We made it through the longest night and are here now facing a bright blue morning. This entry will be a bit longer and more personal than my previous or coming posts in order to cure your curiosities of my break in writing and fill you in on my year. I have a renewed commitment to establishing an end of month reflection for myself and for you.

2022 was truly life changing in some of the most heartbreaking and also beneficial ways. I lost two loved ones. I moved. I ended some personal relationships. I met and established incredibly unique connections—if you’re reading this I am probably talking about you. In general my whole life shifted.

This month I’ve been making friends with the Knight of Swords. And boy, what an exciting and obnoxious friend to make. Our friend rests on his laurels of charm, confidence, and determination. He forgets that others can be easily affected by actions or circumstances. While well-intentioned, there is a “jump first, think later,” vibe. The way this dear knight showed up to me was a reminder of boundaries. Commitment to being my own, thoughtful coach. An observation of sensitivities both internal and external, a reminder of non-dualism— “Seeming opposing forces meeting at the compassionate center of the heart. Above and Below. Beginning and End. You and Me.” I send much gratitude to my years long yoga teacher for that mantra, I repeat it daily. My January knight is a reminder of how important it is to pay attention to the exquisiteness of cause and effect. We are all intricately, intrinsically intertwined, a microcosm of the universe as a whole. How lucky are we, that we’re here, you and me at the same time.

There is something expansive about dealing with death, heartbreak, and establishment of new relationships all at the same time. All I can really chalk it up to is cosmic harmonies seeking each other out. Life is a cycle and I am starting a new one. Won’t you join me?


Ace of Wands


The Devil